34 for 45

To the Editor,

While Donald Trump lost the popular vote to Hillary Clinton by almost 3 million votes, and lost the popular vote to Joe Biden by 7 million votes, he won a unanimous 12 popular votes of his fellow New Yorkers on 34 felony counts for business and election fraud crimes that allowed him to win the Presidency via the Electoral College in 2016.

Trump knows there’s a sucker born every minute – he built his failed business career on it.

I can hear the Sesame Street Count Dracula now doing a counting skit on The Donald's newfound no-hung-jury mathematics. And there’s many more criminal and civil trials to go from leading an insurrection to overthrow the 2020 election, stealing and hiding top secret documents, to interfering with the election processes in Georgia and other key electoral vote states.

Trump’s stooges in the Republican Trump cult are of course outraged that the rule of law continues to exist. His gerrymandered Supreme Court judges may decide he is indeed a king and immune from accountability to the law – that’s how it works in authoritarian countries with a veneer of democracy. If he’s elected President again he’ll no doubt pardon himself – that’s what dictators do.

Thanks to being easily manipulated by a well established con artist, the less educated and easily misled masses who watch or listen to Fox News and similar propaganda outlets are sure to fork out millions of dollars of their hard-earned money to support a pathologic liar porn star philandering convicted rapist and now felony convicted criminal who’s fond of fellow sociopaths like dictators Kim Jong Un and Putin.

As we approach the 80th anniversary of D-Day, and considering both my parents were WWII veterans who went to war to fight dictators wanting to rule the world, I can’t help but wonder what they would think about a home-grown "wannabe dictator" remaining so popular with a large swath of the American electorate.

But that’s the lesson of history of how Hitler became a populist politician in Germany – just keep repeating the Big Lies, and the masses eventually believe them. And when they eventually wake up, it will be far too late.

Bob Yoesle, Goldendale


Character is the single most important thing in selecting the person to lead the nation


Protesting by not voting for Biden? Think Again.